Monday, November 12, 2012

Mr. & Mrs. Fox...and a Side of Blood, Sweat and Tears

Back in September I blogged about playing in a golf tournament at 27 weeks pregnant and with nine fingers. I'm finally ready to share the story about the "nine finger" comment. Turns out pregnancy brain, a side of extreme tiredness and sewing machines don't mix. Before I get to that, I'd like to show you the final product - Mr. and Mrs. Fox! I made them myself after seeing other plush woodland creatures online (lots on Etsy) that I really wanted to buy but couldn't bring myself to spend the money when I thought I could probably make them myself. So here they are...a little wonky in some places, but cute (I think) and one of a kind. I hope our baby girl likes them! It took me forever to figure out how to make them (I was just going off a picture) and as you'll see when you scroll down, I shed more than a few drops of sweat, tears and yes, blood for these dolls!

So now that I smothered you with cute pictures, here come the gory ones. So...true story. I sewed myself into my sewing machine while working on this project. Yup, needle right through my finger. Directly into the nail and out the other side. This happened at 9:30 pm on a night when James was out of town on a business trip. THANK GOODNESS I had my cell phone close enough to me (I was literally attached to the machine, there was no getting out of it on my own!) to call my sister-in-law, Mandy who lives next door to come rescue me. And mind you, at this time, Mandy was 38 weeks pregnant and my brother Curt, a pilot, was working and wasn't home either. Once the initial shock of the situation wore off and panic set in, I literally began to sweat. Really bad. And cry a little too, because well, it hurt pretty bad. Mandy helped me extract myself from the machine, which in retrospect was really the worst part of the whole event. Once we saw what we were dealing with we decided it was going to take a trip to the ER to get the needle out. So there we were, two pregnant ladies with two sleepy kiddos in tow, waddling into the ER at 10:30 at night. The good thing about being pregnant and having a sharp object stuck in you is that they get you in to be seen right away so we didn't have to wait long. They numbed my finger and then yanked the needle out. Blood. Yeesh. I'm fine now. After a round of antibiotics to rule out infection and a month or so of having a numb fingertip, my finger is no worse for the wear. Still, it's a pretty good story, don't you think? When she gets old enough, I'll have to tell our daughter exactly what went into making those dolls for her!
I managed to take these photos before the shock really wore off and the pain set in.


  1. Ouch! That sounds like quite the ordeal. The dolls do look adorable though. You did a great job on them!
