Sunday, August 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

James is home! Fourteen days away is a loooooong time to be away from the nest. Needless to say, we all missed each other to pieces and had a happy reunion late last night (James got home at 12:30 am). Today we enjoyed spent the day relaxing and catching up. Rain spoiled our outdoor plans for the day, but we did manage to squeeze in a short, rainy walk down along the Connecticut River. Summit didn't mind the rain (and the relentless bugs) since she was wet almost as soon as she spotted the water! We took advantage of our time outside to learn how to use our new camcorder. Did I say new camcorder? I thought I did. Let me say it again - we got a new camcorder! And that's not all - we got a new Netbook too! Yippppppie! James brought home serious presents! Apparently electronics are really cheap in Singapore. I've been eyeing digital cameras lately for our honeymoon in the Galapagos, in particular a camera that can also record video, and not only that, but also do it all underwater. Why? Because I want to be able to video us doing this. Did I mention we can't wait to go on this trip!?! So, problem solved. James got us a HD camcorder that takes video and pictures - all underwater! And cheap! I can't wait to try it out! He also picked up a Netbook for us to share. We both have laptops but mine is definitely on its way out and could use a reliable computer to do things like store pictures, videos and music. The Netbook is so tiny! And it has a better processor and more memory than both mine and James' computers - combined! And the thing cost under $100! Yahoooo!

Since it was raining out, we decided to embark on an indoor adventure of sorts in the kitchen. In Singapore, James' favorite food was something they called Chai tow kway or "fried carrot cake". He sent me a recipe a few days ago and I went out and bought all the ingredients yesterday (or tried to - a few of them were not to be found in our local grocery store so I had to get creative). Needless to say there are no carrots in this dish and it in no way resembles what we all think of when we hear "carrot cake" (yumm...did I mention that's what were having at the wedding?). We gave it a solid effort but the end result was not good. In fact, I think we declared it a miserable failure. I'd like to blame it on our substitute ingredients because the recipe was pretty simple overall, but whatever went wrong, went wrong in a serious way. In the end it wasn't even edible. We settled for hotdogs/tofu pups instead and called it a day. If you're feeling adventurous, give it a try. If you find success, be sure to share your secret with us! I'm dying to know what it actually tastes like!

It looked like mashed potatoes (it's supposed to look like this). Sadly, most of it ended up in the trash.


  1. What ingredients couldn't you find? I kinda want to give it a try, but I'm not sure we could find all the ingredients either.

  2. Hi Kara,
    I couldn't find the rice flour or the chai-poh (pickled radish). We substituted with pasta flour and pickled beets. It did not work. I suspect the main culprit was the pasta flour but I'm not certain. Keep in mind I was shopping at our local grocery store. We have a natural foods store nearby that I'm going to try next. Also, look around the 'net for variations of the recipe, we tried the one James found, but after doing some searching I discovered there are LOTS of recipes out there for this and they're all slightly different. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!

  3. Awesome gifts!! (Maybe James should go away more often! hehe)
    You have NO idea how badly I want to go swim with the sea lions now! You better bring back LOTS of videos for me to watch so I can live vicariously!! Although knowing me I'd freak out as soon as I got in the water with them b/c that's what happened when I swam with dolphins!
