It's safe to say I'm not a big fan of the state of being pregnant. I don't take it lightly though and I would never take it for granted. I have friends who can't get pregnant or spent years trying to convenience and while I try to comfort them, I can only imagine what that would be like to actually go through ourselves. We have been very, very fortunate that both times it has been easy to get pregnant. Put it this way, with both kids we were planning for spring babies. Both kids turned out to be fall babies because it didn't take long to conceive. Both times we were caught a little off guard when we found out I was pregnant.
- With both kids it took 2 months to conceive (without diligently trying).
- Weeks 6-10 were tough with both kids. Possibly worse with my first pregnancy. Found it hard to decide what I wanted to eat and when I did eat I would feel sick. During my second pregnancy I lost 5 pounds during these weeks because I lost most of my appetite all together.
- Beyond issues with my appetite during the first trimester of both pregnancies I also experienced constipation, bloating and extreme fatigue. These symptoms tapered off around 10-11 weeks.
- Very sore bbs during the first trimester of Cece's pregnancy. No pain during the second pregnancy (probably because they were beaten and battered already from breastfeeding!).
- Felt movement at 14 weeks or so with Cece. Even earlier with number two. Feel like little fingers tickling you from the inside out.
- Baby bump showed up much sooner the second time around. Maybe around 8 weeks?
- Gained 45 pounds (!) during first pregnancy. Gained 39 during the second.
- Cece was born 4 days past her due date. I went into labor naturally and gave birth to her 13 hours later without the help of drugs. Sully arrived two days before his due date. I went into labor naturally and delivered him 7 hours later with the help of drugs. More on that to come!
- First sign of labor with Cece - upset bowels and radiating lower back pain (feeling similar to menstrual cramps). First sign of labor with Sully - my water broke in bed.
- My first baby bump was big and wide. My second was big and mostly in front of me. Even so, my booty and legs got much bigger during both pregnancies.
- My hands and feet swelled during my first pregnancy, especially after giving birth. Swelling was minimal during second pregnancy.
- Had a 8mm kidney stone at week 23 of pregnancy number two. I believe it was a more painful ordeal than giving birth to Cece, which is saying a lot.
- Lost all of the baby weight from my first pregnancy within 5 months of having Cece. Hoping it's as "easy" the second time around!
- Was active during both pregnancies, though in different capacities. With Cece, I ran until I was about 30 weeks pregnant. With my second, I only ran once (a 5K race!) but spent every day lifting and lugging around a 25lb toddler, which is probably more of a workout than any pregnancy jog any day!
- No stretch marks with either kid (knock on wood) but my belly button...oh my poor stretched out belly button!
- Breastfed Cece until she was about 15 months old. Stopped within weeks of finding out I was pregnant again.
- Both kids took to nursing like champs.
- Worst pregnancy symptom the first time: carpel tunnel syndrome. Non-existent during my second pregnancy. Worst pregnancy symptom the second time: heartburn. It was really, really, really bad and probably has contributed to my slightly lower overall weight gain because I was literally afraid to eat anything! Immediate relief as soon as Sully was born.
- My hair grew fast during both pregnancies however, during my first it was along thick, strong and shiny. During my second it was still thick, but dry and dull instead. Boo.
- Strange pregnancy side effect - randomly seeing dancing "lights" around the corners of my periphery vision. This is a hard one to describe. They kind of look like fireflies dancing in the corners of my eyes. Yup.
- Cravings: cold fruit (both), salt (second), sweets (first), lots of cold milk during the last few weeks (both).
- I've always been an imaginative dreamer but during both pregnancies, my dreams were even more vivid and definitely out there.
- While on the subject of sleeping, for both pregnancies sleep was interrupted early (by week 7 I was unable to sleep through the night) due to the need to pee at least 1-2 times a night. Hormones!
- Read several books, took a birth class and typed up an extensive birth plan to prepare for first labor and delivery. Second time around: dug up old birth class notes during my 39th week of pregnancy and jotted down a few thoughts about labor and delivery on a scrap piece of paper to serve as our birth plan. It didn't make it out of my hospital bag.
- Both kids have camped out entirely on the right side of my belly. There has never been any movement toward my left side. I'm sure I will be lopsided forever.
- After 13 hours of unmediated labor, I delivered Cece after 3 contractions during the "pushing" phase. She weighed 7lbs, 3oz and was 18.5 inches long. I only needed a stitch or two to patch me back up. After 6 hours of unmedicated labor and one hour of pain-free labor courtsey of an epidural, I delivered Sully after 30 minutes of intermitten "pushing". It was a much different experience (more to come!). Sully weighed 7lbs, 11oz and was 19 inches long. I only needed a stitch or two to patch me back up.
- Physical recovery has been much easier the second time. Less pain, less bleeding, less swelling, less stress, fewer mood swings. Also, less time to cuddle and coo at baby thanks to a rambunctious two year old!
- During my first pregnancy I worked up until the week before (5 days) I delivered and took 11 weeks of maternity leave. During my second pregnancy I worked an 8 hour day on the day I delivered and plan on taking 11 weeks of maternity leave.
- Cece was born on a Wednesday. Sully a Friday.
Cece on the right, Sully on the left.
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