Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Baby #2: 38 Weeks

I'm going to try and do weekly updates now until this kid is born. That is to say, let's hope I only have two more (at the most!) to do! These pictures are falling deep into the unflattering category these days. I can't wait to lose the baby weight!

So here we are two weeks out from my official due date. Cece was almost a week late so I guess I'm not too focused on the date (November 16) and sort of expect babe number two to follow suit. Plenty of people have told me they think I'll "go early" with this baby. Why is that? Because I look huge? Are they trying to make me feel better (this will eventually backfire and make me feel worse when I'm overdue). Either way, my gut says he's not really ready to join us and might in fact be just as stubborn as his sister. I still have loose ends to tie up at work and at home so for now, I'm ok with him sitting tight. We'll see how long that lasts!

We had another growth scan ultrasound done at the end of last week. Because the babe was measuring in the 91st percentile for weight at 33ish weeks, my doctors wanted to be sure I wasn't growing a monster. Turns out now he's solidly in the "average" category measuring right on schedule in the 57th percentile for weight. Hurray. I don't love the idea of extra ultrasounds but I'm relieved to know he's not a giant and that my docs won't be as inclined to push induction if he decides to hang out for three more weeks.

As far as how I'm feeling these days...well, like I tell everyone who asks, I feel...pregnant. My back is sore, I can't sleep, I have raging heartburn and reflux 24 hours a day and I caught a chest cold from Cece and have been hacking up my lungs for the past week.  I coughed so much I pulled a muscle in my side, super awesome. Also, it's just exhausting to cough all day. Here's to hoping I'm at the tail end of it now. Also experienced a bit of the good ole "nesting" feeling I had with Cece's pregnancy, cleaning and organizing random corners of the house. That's about the only pregnancy side effect I wish would stick around!

The bump definitely looks a bit bigger to me this time around. What do you think?  Funny thing is so far, I've gained LESS weight (ok, not much less, but less) and have gained no new weight in the past week. Go figure. Sounds like last time around though I was dealing with debilitating carpel tunnel syndrome. Thankfully, that's one symptom that hasn't come back for round two! Check out my 38 week update from 2012. 

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