Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cecelia at One Month

Cece is one month old today. It's hard to believe both how fast the weeks have past us by and how much she's growing and changing.

Every day she becomes more alert and responsive. She's gaining weight steadily and starting to fill out. I love seeing those baby rolls come in! She's still a happy baby and pretty easy to take care of. She already has a good handle on the difference between day and night. While she has a few days where she's up for most of the day, she always sleeps at night, thank goodness. I'm up with her to nurse every 3-4 hours or so but I can't complain much. She's easy and goes right back to sleep. She's smiling regularly now and I'm confident it's not just due to gas or coincidence. She's also started to become more interested in objects. She love her vibrating chair that plays music and loves to stare and swat at the mobile that hangs from it. At one month she's filled out enough that she's consistently wearing her cloth gdiapers. This week I started pumping a bit so that James can feed her before bedtime. I think it's helped them bond and it allows me to get a little extra rest. We're all bonding. I feel like our love is growing more and more each day as we discover new things about each other. Family life is good!

1 comment:

  1. She is getting chunkier! Don't you just love kissing her baby chub?
