Saturday, December 15, 2012

40 Weeks!

The babe's due date has come and past and yet I'm still pregnant. Mentally, we prepared ourselves for this but it is HARD. Baby girl, we just want to meet you already so stop defying your parents (didn't take long, did it?) and come out already. I really, really hope I'm not taking a 41 week photo next week! Follow our loooong journey on our bumpdates page and stay tuned to the blog and our new Instagram feed for updates on the babe's arrival!


  1. I truly admire you for waiting. I've never made it past 40 weeks without accepting the offer from my doctor to induce and, especially with this last one, I wish that I had.
    Thinking of you and hoping your sweet babe makes her appearance pronto!

  2. Thanks, Ashley! I'm hoping to avoid induction too...we have until Friday at which point they will induce. I've heard it can be no good so I'm trying to avoid that scenario. Still, I'd rather not be in the hospital on Christmas so here's hoping she comes soon!
