Friday, July 15, 2011

Dream Big Sweepstakes

I've had mixed results when it comes to winning lotteries, drawings or sweepstakes. Two lucky moments do come to mind though. The first time I ever won anything I happened to be strapped to a stretcher at a blood drive, about to pass out (I'm 1 for 8 when it comes to successful blood giving) when I heard my name called for a drawing for a free iPod shuffle. I don't know whether it's because the nurses just felt bad for me since I had been "giving blood" for two hours at that point so they fixed the drawing or if it was just my lucky day, but I ended up going home not only with an arm full of bruises and a nasty migraine, but also with a shiny new iPod. My other lucky day was when my name got picked in a raffle at a charity golf tournament. I think I won like $500. I gave it all back to the charity because let's face it, they can use it more than me. Still, I felt lucky.

I'm hoping some of my luck will carry over and win us the West Elm Dream Big Sweepstakes. Oh to have $10,000 to spend at West Elm and $5,000 in paint from Benjamin Moore! It's like a new home owner's dream come true. James could tell you that I have a West Elm catalog with dog ears on every page and I dream nightly about how I want to decorate our new digs. Part of me knows this is a nearly impossible sweepstakes to win and will turn out the same way the HGTV Green Home Giveaway did (for the record, I entered that one every day for three months straight!). But oh, a girl can dream!

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