Here's a list of this week's happenings, mainly for my benefit, not yours (thank goodness for list making!):
2. decide on size of kitchen appliances so dimensions can be used in finalized kitchen design
3. contact custom countertop maker to design woodgrain island countertop
4. finalize kitchen design and set up meeting with kitchen guy to visit site
5. meet on site with insulation contractors to finalize plan for spray foam insulation
7. decide what color/style shakes and/or clapboard for siding
8. contact stairmakers to discuss plans for staircase
10. install septic system, trench and leeching field
11. research DIY installation of gas fireplaces
12. visit flooring depot finalize decision on wood floors
13. purchase and install window above garage
14. make a final decision about decking and railings
See, making progress already!
Your house looks great! I love seeing the progress and am excited to see what you pick out :)