Sunday, December 6, 2015

Oh Fun, Sullivan is One!

Sullivan turned one on November 14. Hard to believe it, but it's true. My babies are growing up. He still goes by "Baby Sully" most of the time in our house, but it's hard to deny the fact that he's not much of a baby anymore.

This child is such a ham. He has the biggest smile and a pretty cool personality to match. He is a total flirt and loves to snuggle. He gives out "Sully hugs" to anyone within reach. He is a real mama's boy. Totally attached (literally) to me. I mean, I could let go completely and he'll still be clinging to me like a baby gorilla. It makes it hard to get anything done, ever, but it's also hard to complain about being so loved.

He prefers you to be at (his) eye level and will crawl up onto your lap in a heartbeat. He also loves to play with Summit, climbing on her, pulling her hair and her old lady worts and poking at her eyes. She's a good sport.

He eats like a horse and weighs almost three pounds more than his sister did at one. There isn't much I can think of that he won't eat and easily downs three times as much at a meal than Cece. We have also come to the end of our nursing experience. I was happy to try and continue the effort but Sully thought it was amusing to start biting me and so, that was that. It's the end of an era, that's for sure. I loved nursing my babies and it was such a privileged to do it for as long as we could (Cece was 16 months when we stopped). Sully's taken well to cow's milk though (unlike his sister who still won't drink milk, of any kind). If I had to choose a favorite food for him it would be red grapes. Or cupcakes. He really likes cupcakes. Shocker.

Cece and Sully get along pretty well, for the most part. Cece is always asking if we can "put Sully on the floor so I can play with him." They do already bicker over toys and occasionally I find Cece sitting on Sully. He is pretty good at "standing" his ground though, or at least voicing his displeasure over his sister snatching a toy or rough housing with him. He has gotten in a few decent moves on her though and it won't be long before he outweighs his big sister. And his little pinchers can really do some damage.

Even at one, I can tell Sully is "all boy." He is a climber (to be fair, Cece was and still is too) and doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. He also has this weird ability to seek out balls, trucks and cars from any toy pile. He loves to throw things and gets a good laugh about chucking whatever is in his hand across the room. He also loves cables, plugs, lights and the remote control. He LOVES remotes. I mean, loves. them. Even knows how to change the TV channel.

Sully can say several words: mama, dada, ught-oh, bye, cracker, bottle. He typically tries to mimic what we say and has a full vocabulary of his own baby babble.

And finally, he's walking! Just a few steps, but he's getting better every day. He'll be running in no time. Side note: it's currently December 6 and I'm just getting round to posting this now but in the two weeks since I started this post Sully's full on walking across the room.

Official One Year Stats:
Height: (I don't remember but I wrote it down...somewhere)
Weight: 22.6 pounds
Clothing size: 18 months
Sleeping through the night (yahoo!) and a great napper
Thick, red head of hair
6 teeth (four uppers, two lowers)
One new small birthmark on his booty

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