Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sullivan at One Month

Sullivan's first month of life is in the books. How did that even happen? It went by fast. So fast. From what I can remember of Cece's first month, it's been easier the second time around, thank goodness. With the exception of week two, when Sully was sick with his first cold, life has been pretty predictable with this little dude. He eats a lot, especially during the day and evening, and sleeps pretty well at night - for a baby, that is. He's definitely a second child. There are times when he fusses and I can't physically get to him right away (usually because I have a precocious two year old to deal with) and by the time I get there a few minutes later, he's already soothed himself back to sleep.

Sully doesn't complain about much. The only thing he really hasn't warmed up to yet is bath time. He really doesn't like being undressed. Or maybe he just doesn't like being cold. Who does? Anyway, he cries through bath time, every time. His only other "fussy" time of the day is in the evening, usually between 8-10 PM. For some reason, he gets very uncomfortable this time of day. It's pretty easy to tell his tummy bothers him. It's hard to tell if it's just typical newborn gas or something more like acid reflux (Cece had this) or a reaction to something I might have eaten earlier in the day. Whatever is going on, he typically reacts pretty strongly. We shoosh and swaddle him until he eventually falls asleep. From there he's typically down for 3-4 hours or so before I need to feed him again. His night time pattern has been: sleep 9-12ish, feed. sleep 12:30-2ish, feed, diaper change. sleep 2:30-5, feed. sleep 5-7, feed and up for the day. He would sleep "in" past 7 if his big sister let him, but typically she's in his face the minute she comes into our room in the morning so there's little hope of that. He's been sleeping mostly in the MamaRoo next to our bed. If he's fussy, I put him in bed next to me. He sleeps the soundest when he's in bed with us. Last night he even slept for a 5 hour stretch after I put him next to me. I think he likes hearing/feeling someone next to him. And snuggling too, of course.

Sully is really very easy going. Nothing much phases him. Cece is constantly rough housing around him, falling on him, excessively rocking his swing. She loves him and none of it will actually hurt him, but for sure it's not the peaceful experience she had when she was little. Our house is constantly buzzing with a wide range of toddler noises. He sleeps through it all. Not much phases this kid.

Sullivan is growing like a weed. His face is filling out and he's got a big round belly, just like Cece did (still does!). It's hard to tell exactly but he probably weighs between 10-11 pounds already. I'm not sure if Cece was that big at this stage, but I don't think so. He's mostly wearing 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers. We haven't started cloth diapers yet. I just haven't had it in me to add to our laundry load. Hopefully I'll get there soon. 

So that's it for now. Seems like I should have more to say but really, the only thing that sticks out is that he's EASY. Thank you, Sully boy. Love you, kid.

PS - Did you see my 39 week Sully belly and one week old Sully?

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