It's no secret that I take a lot of photos of Cecelia. Pretty soon the poor kid is going to start hiding when the camera comes out, just like James does. But recently, I've had the opportunity to photograph other people's kids, too. I have to confess lately I've had a love hate relationship with photography. I love taking the pictures. I hate the editing process. It can take hours that add up to days for me to sort through and edit the photos I take during a single session. If I were a better photographer I would get it right "straight out of the camera" and not have to do much to touch up a photo. But I'm not. Fake it until you make it, right? Or at least until you have the time to really learn what you're doing. Which at this rate will be never. Oh well. Below are a few of my favorites from a few baby sessions and a "coming soon" session last fall. Kids are cool. See more photos of cool kids and other stuff on my
photography web page.
All photos copyright Cary Chadwick, 2013.
Beautiful Cary! They look so professional!