Cece is three months old this week. So hard to believe. She's growing like a weed this kid. It's amazing to watch her figure things out, every day it seems like she discovers something new. She's talking up a storm this month. Those baby coos have turned into full out screeches. Check out the video below of her talking to James and one of her talking to her owls. So cute. She smiles BIG every time she sees her daddy. I die. So cute.
I'm pretty sure Cece's going to be a swimmer, kickboxer, runner (yes, please!) or dancer because that kid's legs never stop moving. Not for a minute, not even in her sleep. She kicks, kicks, KICKS! She also loves to stand upright and will do squats for hours on you if you let her. So funny. She's working on rolling over too. So far she's made it half way and then she gets stuck. Some times I find her just hanging out on her side. And, my goodness does she LOVE her jumperoo. See for yourself in the second video below.
Her hands are almost as strong as her legs these days. She loves to grab on to things, especially my hair, jewelry, she even got my eyelid the other day. And if she's not holding something, those hands are always in her mouth. She almost got an entire fist in there the other day.
Cece's is amazingly strong all around. She's had control of her head since she was 5 weeks old. She prefers to be upright so we tried out the BOB jogging stroller this month. She loved it! She seems to really enjoy being able to see where she's going and watch Summit's head bob next to her. Pretty soon we'll be running road races!
She is not usually very keen on daytime napping. She seems to be too distracted by the world around her to care much for sleeping. If we take her out somewhere she just wants to take it all in. She's been to a few gatherings this month and it turns out she enjoys being the life of the party. The kid knows how to pour on the charm, even when it's well past her bedtime.
Speaking of that, the good news is she's a pretty happy night time sleeper. She's been sleeping in her crib now for several weeks and gets up once, around 2-3 am for a light snack and then falls asleep easily, especially if I bring her back into bed with us. She'll sleep like a log next to us and doesn't appear to be much of a morning person. She'll sleep past 9 am if we let her.
See those thunder thighs? This kid likes to eat. At the same time, she takes her sweet time nursing. She'd stay attached to me for hours if it was up to her. Sometimes she enjoys nursing so much all she wants to do is smile and giggle through it, which as you can imagine doesn't work out so well. I'd love to get this on video but it wouldn't be very PG.
I went back to work when Cece was 11 weeks. It was hard but I really think it will be good for both of us. She's in excellent hands. My sister-in-law has her three days a week and my mom has her one day and I'm working a four day week for now. Cece enjoys being with her cousins and as much as I miss spending every minute with her, I am enjoying the slow return to my career. I am very lucky to have a positive, supportive working environment. My commute is five minutes and for the most part my hours are flexible. Mommy guilt is no joke but I believe my situation is about as good as it gets for a working mom. Finding a work/mom balance won't be easy but it does make the time we spend together much sweeter, even when Cece is being less than sweet.
As much as I love the cuddly newborn stage, I have to say three months is rocking our world right now. It gets better each and every day. You never know what she's going to do next. Love, love, love this girl!
Be sure to catch her one month and two month updates and keep up with our daily life on Instagram!

She gets cuter every day and her voice is delightful! Thanks for sharing!