Let's start with our two 400' geothermal wells that were drilled in our front yard several weeks ago. These puppies tap into the natural energy stored in the ground. Because the temperature down there is typically very stable year round (approximately 55 degrees F), we can use it to heat and cool our house. A few statistics for you "greenies": geothermal systems are 3-4 times more efficient than oil, natural gas or propane systems (wowzas!). For example, geothermal systems provide 3 to 4 units of space or water heating energy for each unit of electric energy consumed by the system. In comparison, the most efficient oil, natural gas or propane system delivers less than 1 unit of energy for each unity of energy consumed by the system. Systems that burn fuel can never deliver more energy than is available in the fuel. Geothermal systems can typically result in energy cost savings of 50% over fuel systems. (source) And of course, they are GREEN! Here's a NYT article explaining a little more about residential geothermal systems. As a bonus, we will be getting a federal tax credit to cover 30% of the total cost of the entire system. Not the we needed much incentive to invest in this system but that is big $$!!
Ok, enough about the details, here are some pics. Big shout out to the guys and gals at Nutmeg Mechanical who installed our geosystem. They were incredible.

Geowells are surprisingly small in diameter and are capped and buried.
Here are a few glimpses of "Ground Control".

James' very organized electrical panel.

Geowell access points shown on right.

James and Summit tinkering with the system.

Heat pumps on left, well water system on right.

The "thing" on the top circulates fresh air throughout the house several times a day.

Tankless water heater on left, air handler on right.

Radiant heat pipes and manifold and a few of our digital thermostats.

Summit heating her toes up. Notice anything else about that picture? Hint = tile.

James' very organized electrical panel.

Geowell access points shown on right.

James and Summit tinkering with the system.

Heat pumps on left, well water system on right.

The "thing" on the top circulates fresh air throughout the house several times a day.

Tankless water heater on left, air handler on right.

Radiant heat pipes and manifold and a few of our digital thermostats.

Summit heating her toes up. Notice anything else about that picture? Hint = tile.
Last but not least, I want to share with you one of MY favorite parts of Ground Control. My central vacuum! Seriously, I didn't know it was possible to get so excited about a vacuum cleaner. If you have a dog and a husband that both track in dirt like champs, you'd feel the same way. The coolest part is the foot activated dirt sucker in the bottom of our kitchen island. Basically you just sweep a pile of dirt and dog hair near it, open the vent with your toe and just like that, it's gone! Yahooo!

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