Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Photography

I'm sad to say I haven't spent much quality time with my camera in the past few months. With every free minute consumed by house stuff, there just hasn't been time. I really, really miss spending a quiet Saturday morning with my camera. Luckily, I had a good reason to pick it up recently, and just in time too because the beauty of autumn in New England is quickly passing us by! My sister-in-law's family was in town and asked me to take a few family pictures. Every time I spend time with my camera I learn something new. This time, I learned that it's not easy to take pictures of kiddos - their feet and their moods move fast!

Check out my photography site to see more. Happy Fall!!

1 comment:

  1. These photos are gorgeous.

    Don't forget to enter my Shabby Apple giveaway!
