Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Great Vegan Challenge

Okay...I admit, it may not be worthy of such a title, a lot of vegetarians people try this, so don't go thinking I'm all original or anything because I'm not. I'm just determined to cross off a few of our 20 goals over there on the right side bar. They are stalking me.

So I figured I'd start with my goal of going vegan for a month. For those that are not familiar, veganism is defined by a diet that does not include any animal products. I've been a vegetarian for over six years but I still consume animal products like milk, cheese and honey. In fact, I'm actually technically a pescetarian because I still eat fish on rare occasions. But I don't eat mammals or birds. Never, ever under any circumstances. But that's a topic for another post.

So anyway, I figured February was as good of a month as any and hey, it's also the shortest at just 28 days. There is also four feet of snow outside right now so running is a definite no (this doesn't bode well for goal #2) and as a result my appetite has been in hibernation along with my leg muscles. Plus there are no major holidays or birthdays for my parents and in-laws to bug out about when we come over for dinner. The only thing that I didn't consider is that it's the middle of winter and fresh, local produce is hard to come by. Definite bummer.

I'm only two days into this, but so far things are going well. It makes it easier that James is in Canada this week and next because it's going to take me a little time to adjust to this new diet. If any of you have any cookbooks, recipes or helpful hints, pass them along. I'll be back in 26 days to give you a full report!


  1. Good luck! I would have such a hard time going vegan because I love me some dairy. Tall, cold glasses of milk, blocks of cheese.... Sorry, I'm not sounding too supportive drooling over dairy delights.

    I went to a wedding a couple of years ago that had a vegan chocolate cake. It was the best chocolate cake I've ever had. Also apple pie is delicious and vegan. You'll do well with desserts!

  2. Heather, thanks for the insider info about apple pie - I actually wouldn't have thought of that one. I brought a pie to a superbowl party last night and it was a hit!

  3. Ugg...better you than me Cary. I will be watching to see how it goes. Eating better, in whatever form it takes, is on my to-do list this year too. Thanks, also, for your nice note about my blog. I have been thinking about it for some time and love the creative outlet it brings to my life. Thanks for following!
