Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stuff For Sale

Yesterday we had a tag sale to get rid of some of our junk great stuff. It turned out to be a big success. We had great weather and between the stuff that we sold along with some goodies from my parents and Curt and Mandy, we made a total of $463.86. Yippie!

"Get two for the price of one"

Hanging out in our $5 tent and the sweet backpack we snagged for free from a neighbors tag sale

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to share your secrets of success. We never do yard sales or tag sales because we've never really made anything worth the effort. Maybe it's just because we never have any cool stuff to get rid of. Who knows?
    Congrats on yours though! Gotta love getting money for things you don't need or use! =)
