Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm a 2010 NYCM Reject

I found out today I didn't make the lottery for the 2010 New York City Marathon. In 2009, over 100,000 applicants registered for the marathon - and only 6,500 of 40,000 American registrants were accepted - that's a one in six chance of getting randomly picked to run in New York in November. Odds are even more runners applied for the 2010 lottery.

I'm bummed, but not too bummed because I had low expectations and I'm still struggling with injury (though I may have found a secret weapon to fend off my aches and pains - more on that later). My college roommate, Becky, also entered the lottery this year and was also rejected. We'll give it another shot next year. After three straight years of rejections they start to feel bad for you and just let you in. I'm hoping it doesn't take four years to be able to run this race though! We'll have to wait and see what the future holds, but for this year, well, there are always other fall marathons!


  1. Don't feel bad for getting rejected, they have no clue of the sweet spirit they missed out on!
    I am sure you will get accepted eventually :)
    I read that you are running barefoot but you mentioned that you are using some kind of it the kind that have the individual toes?
    I saw a guy wearing them and I had to look twice to make sure what I saw.
    I hope whatever remedy you found really continues to work for you!

  2. Hi Amanda,
    Thanks for the condolences about not getting in to the race, I didn't really have high hopes anyway, the lottery is completely random and very few actually get in on their first try.

    Yes, my secret weapon is barefoot running, or rather almost barefoot. I've been wearing a shoe (or sort of shoe, it's more like a foot glove) with individual toes. It's probably what you saw the guy wearing as well. They are called Vibram FiveFingers. It allows you to run "barefoot" without worrying about what you're running on (glass, rocks, needles, haha). I've been running in them now for two weeks and so far, they have been a miracle worker. I run in my (very expensive!) specialized running shoes and I'm in pain after 20 mins. I run in these and I have no pain at all (other than the burning in my calf from using them more than I'm used to!). I read a great book called Born to Run that examines the increasing rate of running related injuries and ties it back to the evolution of the running shoe. Anyway, that's for a whole other post, haha.

    As weird as I look running in these things, I finally have a little spark of hope that I won't have to give up on running all together. We'll see, right now it's just an experiment. I'll keep you posted!

    PS - it's interesting to me that you noticed the guy wearing FiveFingers. I keep wondering if people actually look at my feet when I run by. I guess I was hoping they wouldn't stand out too much, but I guess that's not the case, haha.

  3. Don't worry, I rejected the NYC Marathon instead of letting them reject me...ha! I wish. We'll see if I survive this half coming up in a few weeks. I've been sidelined by a nice IT-band flare up...I'm really interested in hearing about you Vibram shoe experience! Our running store just started carrying them and one of Brett's co-workers is trying out the trail ones. So far, she loves them, too and also wonders how they look when she runs around. I figure it just makes you look that much more hard-core! Is there a check box on the NYC Marathon application for "hard-core hottie"? Make sure to check it!
