So life went on with little mention of new toys, however I could tell secretly he was dreaming of flying machines. So as a surprise, I made a top secret trip up to the local hobby shop and bought James his wedding present, a Super Cub RC airplane. I stashed it for two weeks in my office at work and gave it to him the day before the wedding. What a surprise! It didn't take long before James and Curt got the thing assembled and off on its maiden voyage. Needless to say, there was a lot of male bonding going on over our wedding weekend. The Super Cub (Curt's) even made a surprise appearance at the wedding!

A minor malfunction left his Super Cub flightless, but Curt wouldn't let the Cub go grounded for its big moment!
Two weeks ago, Curt sent us photos of his Super Cub. He had given it a new look. James was instantly inspired.

James' souped-up Super Cub - can you tell how he came up with the call letters?

Summit wondering how she can get in on the fun.
Last weekend James, Summit and I went down to Haddam Meadows to witness the Red Baron's first flight. All went smoothly until a glitch with the receiver sent the Baron spiraling towards the ground. Luckily, the damage was minor...nothing a little glue can't fix. And I'm sure we'll be back at it again next weekend. Enjoy the video clips, the second one shows the crash landing!
I like the flames!!!