Sunday, July 12, 2009

Andrew, Summit and the Eggroll

Just because this is incredibly funny...


  1. I live for moments like this with my family surrounding me. Thanks for capturing it. I'm so looking forward to Sept 6, 2009!

  2. How cute! will you email me some of the pics you have from last week?

  3. Hello fellow bloggers! I love this! and I love that you guys are raising a child who isn't afraid of dogs! This is simply amazing.

  4. Mandy - yes, I'll definitely send you pics (and this video) from last weekend. It's on my to-do list (along with a lot of other stuff so remind me if I forget).

    Hi Aneysi, thanks for checking out this blog. I agree, children and animals need as much interaction as possible. Andrew LOVES dogs and Summit couldn't have asked for a better cousin!
