Cece had her "six month" appointment when she was almost six and a half months. At that point she weighed 16 pounds 6.4 ounces and was 26 inches long. In the 50-75% for both. Her head circumference is on the smaller size, but is on the upward trend, which really is all that matters. She gets her small head from me. Mine hasn't grown since the 6th grade and I seem to be OK.
Eating solids is going well. She loves fruit, especially mangoes, peaches and blueberries. No surprise there. She also likes to feed herself and has poo-pooed most of the purred foods we've given her. She prefers finger foods that she can pick up and eat herself. Or feed to Summit.
Cece is crawling! She's still mostly doing the "army crawl" which is more of a drag than a crawl, but if she's on carpet or grass where she can get better traction, she's full out crawling. Video evidence below.
Oh man, there's no going back! Like most babies she's curious about every little thing she sees and is into literally everything. She's also sitting, rolling, pulling up and standing (with support) like a champ these days. Baby proofing the house is on the top of our to-do list!

Baby girl is also talking up a storm these days. She has two actual words in her vocabulary, "dada" and "dog". Sadly, I didn't make the cut but I'm working on her! I posted a video a few weeks ago showing her talking to Summit. Below is one taken several weeks ago of Cece giggling with Nana. Is there anything better in the world than baby laughter?
Sleeping is on the bottom of Cece's skill list. Girlfriend just doesn't sleep much. The good news is you would hardly know it because she's a happy kid. She usually will take 1-2 short 30-45 minute naps during the day but seems to be better at doing this for other people than for me. She goes down easy at 8 PM (probably because she's exhausted), wakes for a 10:45 PM feeding and generally will sleep until 6 AM. She's never, ever slept longer than 7 hours at a time. Which means I haven't either. Awesome. Also, she's discovered the video monitor and likes to put on a show for us in the wee hours of the morning. Oh, Cece.

What a little spook weirdo with the night vision camera! My favorite pic is the one of her crawling, head on, where you can see her hair. That sour puss expression expression and her big eyes- beautiful!