I can't believe how active Cece is. She is BUSY! She is rolling, rolling, rolling around these days. She can roll 10 feet in a minute, I swear. You can't leave her alone for long or else you might find her under the table. She loves to slide around on the hardwood floor, spinning circles and "crawling" backwards. Hilarious. I think she'll be officially crawling by our next update...maybe even by next week at this rate! She's been a solid sitter now for several weeks. It's nice to just plop her down and walk away knowing she's not going to topple over. Makes grocery shopping and bath time easier too. She's also standing on her own now, as long as she has something to hold on to. So cute to see those big old thunder thighs out in the open!
The biggest milestone this month was eating her first solid foods. We were going to wait until she was exactly six months but Cece let us know that she was ready about a week and a half ago. Girlfriend loves to eat! Her first official food was avocado. After that we tried yams, sweet potatoes, blueberries, carrots and broccoli. I've been making the food in our baby beaba and so far it's working out great. I only wish it was a little bigger so I could make larger batches of food to freeze. The clip below shows Cece eating broccoli for the first time.
Cece is making lots of noise these days. A lot of screeching, babbling and giggling. Her favorite "word" is gaga. She says it over and over and over. Sometimes it sounds like she says dada but I'm still undecided if that's her official first word. If it was an occasional "mama" there would be no question though, haha. She's also responding to her name too. Well, her nickname anyway. We hardly ever call her Cecelia. We're also working on our sign language - mama, dada, doggie (or Summit), milk, eat, more, all done. It will be nice when Cece can communicate better with us. Still have a few more months before that happens, I think.
A few other fun things about six months -
- Cece is totally, 100% infatuated with Summit. She coos and babbles at her. She could stare at her for hours. In fact, when Cece's a little cranky, I make Summit lie down next to her and it often helps calm her down. Summit might not admit it easily but I think she digs Cece too. She's often camped out in her room or guarding her door after she goes to bed.
- Cece also loves music. We listen to oldies and dance around the house together almost every day. Lately she has also been drawn to the TV when it's on (which isn't often). You can just see her falling into the TV coma when her little eyes lock onto it. Sigh.
- Lately Cece has not enjoyed playing on her own. She does best in active environments where there is a lot to look at or other kids to play with.
- Cece does not like to nap unless she's in the car, stroller or jumperoo. She has only slept straight through the night twice (8 pm - 6 am). On a good night, she only gets up once to nurse and then puts herself back to bed. There are always exceptions to that of course.
- Lately Cece's also been really into her daddy. Her face lights up when he comes into a room or when she hears his voice. So cute. She's turning into a daddy's girl for sure.
- A lot of people have commented on her necklace. While I suppose it is "cute", it is actually a Baltic raw amber teething necklace that supposidly helps to reduce the pain and inflamation assoicated with teething by releasing healing oils containing succinic acid from the amber into the skin. Who knows if it works but people swear by them. Figured it couldn't hurt although Cece is not actively teething yet.
- Cece's starting to grow more hair. She has a peach fuzz factory on the top of her head but it's still pretty barren on the sides, with the exception of her rat tail patch in the back. Business in the front, party in the back. It's still very light strawberry blonde.
- Two other firsts - drinking from a sippy cup and "swimming" in the lake at nana and gramps' house.
Want to see how much our little bean has grown in six months? Check out all of our monthly posts on the Cece Updates page.

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