Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 18

Here we are more than two full weeks into the house building project (more if you count our false start) and so far we have a big hole in the ground and the footing for the foundation complete. Getting the footing in was a fun step in the process because it allowed us to really see how the house would be laid out and situated on the landscape.

The next step will be to finish putting up the walls (not sure exactly what you call them) for the foundation and then pouring the cement. We were hoping to have the foundation close to done by now, but it has been raining for several days here and the forecast doesn't look to improve much over the next few days so we're just sitting tight for now. More updates to come...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cary!! These photos are so exciting!! And a new camera!! I'm so excited for the many more photos of house-progress and beautiful photos with your new camera!!
    Miss you tons
