Monday, December 6, 2010

It's Starting to Feel a Lot Like...

Christmas! We spent our weekend preparing for the holidays. Trees, twinkle lights and even a few snowflakes were on the agenda. Is there anything better than the fragrance of a live tree throughout the house, the sight of stockings hanging over the fireplace and a cup of hot cocoa in your hand? I love this time of year!

First on the agenda was tree hunting. The Chadwick-Pulaski clan headed out to find three perfect trees. It took a few stops to get there. We started at one farm and ended the journey at another because we decided we're just too cheap thrifty to spend $50 to kill harvest a tree. Seriously though, $50 is a little steep, right? In the end we found three mostly perfect (read discounted for defects) trees at Reneson's Christmas Tree Farm in Colchester, CT.

We made it home just in time to put up the outside lights before it got dark.

Then it was time to decorate!

James let Summit pick out which ornaments went on the tree.

James' favorite two ornaments - the red gnome and crazy snowman in a nutshell both circa 1970. My favorite is a no-brainer.

By the time we were done, we were all pooped out.

..but we had one last task...we can't forget the stockings!

We even got a little of the white stuff today to top off a great weekend! Happy holidays!

1 comment:

  1. We have ours up too, now we need to work on the outside lights! Andrew sure loves hangin with his Auntie Snibs! (and James and Summit too!) ;)
