Tuesday, November 16, 2010


If you read my last blog post, you might have been left with the impression that I'm a crazy woman. In fact, some days I am, especially lately with the stress of a busy work schedule, traveling too much (hard to complain about that!) and trying to figure out how to build a house from scratch.

My older (and wiser) brother left me a bit of advice after reading that post. I thought he was spot on: "I too have a hard time making what seems like important decisions. Try to keep it all in perspective. Anything more than the clothes on our back, food on our table and a roof over our heads is gravy....gravy! Chances are you or someone else someday will remodel the kitchen your about to put in or repaint the walls! (not that you are) but don't let the house get in the way of whats really important in life...your relationships."

Which is why I'm sharing this picture with you all today. It's a reminder of perspective. These two sleeping beauties are my whole world and the decisions about counter tops, paint colors and furniture are all just the "small stuff." These two, and the rest of our wonderful family are what it's all about!

Indeed, I know this, it's just nice to be reminded once in awhile. Thanks, Curt!
And bonus..having strong relationships with our wonderful family members means we have lots of people to bounce ideas off of for the house which means fewer "crazy lady" days for me!


  1. Well-said, Curt. And Cary, I'm so glad you posted this...I needed that reminder today. xo

  2. So true. Thanks for the reminder about what is really important. The gravy is nice, but it wouldn't be anything without the meat and potatoes underneath. =)

  3. You know it's funny,I just wrote about how blessed I am and I didn't even read your post until now, it's nice to be reminded every now and then.
    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving Cary.
