Since we got back from the honeymoon, both James and I have had our hands full at work. James has a couple of big new projects that are keeping him busy and fall always seems to be a hectic time at UConn. Between teaching and conferences, there hasn't been a minute of downtime at the office. Or I should say, there hasn't been a minute of down time at the office...when I'm actually AT the office. This week I took two separate trips to New Hampshire. First to the University of New Hampshire to teach a seminar on
Putting Maps, Images and Data on the Web with my colleague Emily. I had never been to the UNH campus or to Portsmouth, where we spent the night. Both were really nice and the seminar went really well. Since we were so close to Maine, I also took a side trip up to York to visit an old friend from my childhood, Kirsten. It was great to be able to catch up again. We took her dog, Samuel, swimming and walked along the rocky Maine coastline - so pretty!
Teaching mode
York, Maine
Samuel and his ball (Summit and Sam would get along great) and me and Keek

The second trip was to Nashua, New Hampshire for the annual
Northeast Arc User's Group Conference (NEARC). NEARC is a three day gathering of
GIS professionals (aka
geeks) from across the Northeast. Emily and I presented on the first day of the conference and were able to relax and enjoy the rest of our time in Nashua. I don't have any pictures of us doing much work at NEARC (nothing new here, haha) but I tell you, for a nerdy crowd, we sure do know how to have fun! I'm already looking forward to NEARC 2010 which will be held next fall in Newport, Rhode Island.
How many GIS experts does it take to run a giant computer screen?
NEARC wouldn't be complete without a little geocaching
Flash back to the 50's at the NEARC sock hop complete with Karaoke
The CT Crew representing at the Karaoke Competition
Goodbye Nashua! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed!Traveling has been fun. It's really great having a job that gets me out of the office every once in a while, but after a hectic few months, I'm really looking forward to spending some quiet time at home with James and Summit. We have one more big trip this fall before that can happen...but more on that later!
YEA UNH!!!!!!