Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just in case there aren't enough blogs out there...

... consider me officially on the bandwagon. I resisted for a long time, mainly because the thought of coming up with a creative blog name was enough to keep me up at night (in the end I'm not sure I picked a "cool" one anyway), but also because I'm not convinced I have the time required to keep this thing going - not to mention that our ordinary life likely isn't interesting enough to maintain a loyal audience! Still, I figured this would be a good way for me to document the craziness that will be our life for the next three months as we prepare frantically for our wedding and thereafter as we settle happily into wedded bliss (it is bliss, right?). At this point though, with the impending wedding to-do list looming over our heads, I'm not even sure I'll make it to a second post! Keep your fingers crossed and stay tuned!

- Cary (& James & Summit - but be prepared to mostly hear from me =) )


  1. Yeah!!!! Glad to see you jumped on the bandwagon!

  2. Keep it neat!!! ;-) Good luck with it... oooh yea so where did you guys decide to go for your honeymoon?

  3. ooh, that's me, btw... Daniel (UNH)

  4. Daniel! Yeay! We're going to Ecuador and the Galapagos (mostly the Galapagos) for our honeymoon. It was a tough call between that trip and a Peruvian honeymoon. Peru is def on the list of to-do's though, it looks soooo amazing! Thanks again for all your info about the country, someday we'll put it to good use! Miss you Chichi!
