Cece is one. And like they say, one is turning out to be so much fun. She get's more awesome every day. I have to confess after surviving a year of parenthood, I think both James and I would agree that the last few months have been our favorite so far. Newborns are cuddly but toddlers are curious, courageous, smart, energized and just plain fun to be around. It is the best thing ever. Love this girl.
At 12 months Cece:
- weighs 19.5lbs and is 29 inches long. what can I say, we are small people.
- has two half teeth, bottom front.
- is sporting a full head of blonde hair with a tint of strawberry.
- knows where her belly button, nose, mouth and toes are.
- "talks" non-stop but clearly says mama, dada, nana, doggie, fan, more, milk and can point out many things by name (favorites include Summit, her pony, playhouse, car, piano). Also, fire, TV (ugh!), light, switch, bath, clouds, jacket, hat, water, bed and all of her favorite people. Shakes her head for yes and no. Girl loves to point at things. Learning new words daily.
- started walking on the eve of her first birthday. no baby steps, full on walking across the room!
- is a little picky when it comes to food. would survive on blueberries if we let her. other favorites include pasta, pancakes, peas, scrambled eggs, cheese, yogurt and crackers.
- Will drink water but does NOT like milk of any kind (we tried them all) except mama's milk. Still nursing 3 times a day but not pumping at work anymore (hurray!).
- digs music and loves to dance. i mean loves it. she dances when she hears a jingle on TV. she dances when someone's phone rings, she dances if you sing to her, she dances when the refrigerator chimes at us to change the filter.
- doesn't nap like normal children. sigh. I'm lucky if I get 45 minutes out of her in the morning and afternoon. the good news is she's generally good natured even without naps.
- is an early riser. usually up by 6:30, rarely sleeps past 7. awesome.
- loves, loves, loves when daddy comes home from work. pure joy!
- loves her cozy coupe. goes in and out, in and out. will sit in it all day long.
- is starting to get more interested in books. loves flipping pages. discovered how to tear out pages from daddy's bedside book too.
- loves to climb ladders. can climb to the top (10 feet!) of the attic staircase (one of the pull down things) by herself. gah. climbs on our bed by herself and thinks the coffee table is her personal jungle gym.
- loves bathtime but hates jammie time. insists on spinning her overhead clouds before laying down to sleep.
- is a bit of a loud mouth. she's learned that she can scream and scream loud. god, i have that kid.
- Goes by Cece, Ceese, Peanut, Munchkin, TC, Ceesel, C-baby, Munch-a-scrunch but rarely ever Cecelia.

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