Cecelia is really coming into her own these days. She's close to walking. She's standing on her own and every day gets a little stronger. She loves to climb on us and wrestle on the floor. She's not afraid of heights, this one. Climbs everything - up, up, up. She sneaks into the bedroom and climbs up on the bed herself. She's pretty good at getting down off furniture and climbs down the staircase herself, too. She has this funny tuft of hair in the back of her head that sticks straight up. Her first tooth is finally starting to poke through her bottom jaw. Her tongue is always sticking out of her mouth. Always. She understands SO MUCH! Mimics everything, especially hand jesters. She does high fives. She loves to "point to Summit". Kiss Summit. Pet Summit. Climb Summit. Did I mention she points? Mostly to Summit.
It's been a rough month for illness though. Cece had her first ear infection and her first ever round of antibiotics. Two days after finishing the antibiotics she broke out in a full body rash which lasted for three days. Poor thing was miserable. Her doctor wasn't sure if it was a reaction to the medicine or a viral infection. It's still a mystery. As if that wasn't enough, a day and a half after the rash went away she ran a fever of 101-104 for THREE DAYS STRAIGHT. Ugh. It's been rough on everyone. Fingers crossed we're in the clear for a little bit. It's just the start of the season of sickness though so I'm not holding my breath.
Oh, Cecelia. Even when you're a hot mess we still can't get enough of you. Love you baby girl!

So funny to see her little pointing finger! And she looks huge in that chair next to her fox friends!