Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 105-113

Nine straight days of manual labor is no joke. Especially when you are used to a desk job. As I mentioned in the previous post, James and I took last week off to focus on the house. We got a lot done but I can honestly say I've never felt the kind of exhaustion that set in by the end of the week. It's taken a few days just to recover. Going back to work this week was like a vacation from our 'vacation'. While we got a lot accomplished, we didn't quite finish the electrical rough-in so James is taking a few extra days off this week to wrap things up. After all I learned about how to wire a house last week, I'm pretty sure James and I could start up our own electrical business if things ever feel through with our careers.

Here's a few other exciting happenings from last week...

We had to figure out how to get the downstairs shower/tub down the stairs. Not an easy task to be sure (we basically had to take the staircase apart) but it made it to its final resting spot in the end.

Speaking of staircases, we finally figured out how our stairs will be configured. We changed the bottom of the staircase so there is a second landing that brings you directly into the game room and figured out how to tie the support beam into the railing.

We built concrete support posts for our deck.

Speaking of decks...we made progress on that too!

While digging in the yard we excavated pieces of some poor animal. My guess is a cow? Dinosaur??

The equipment and duct work for our heating and cooling system went in last week too. Our house will be heated and cooled using a geothermal energy system. I'll post more about how it works soon. I'm soooooo excited about this!!

It was a long, busy week but as you can see we accomplished a lot. Here's to many more productive days in the weeks ahead. And keep your fingers crossed that hurricane Irene or any other hurricane doesn't hit us this fall, that would really screw things up!